Success Magazine, majalah pilihan bacaan setiap bulan

Apa yang kita baca sebenarnya akan menentukan arah tuju apa yang akan kita lakukan di mana hadapan. Melalui pembacaan ianya memberikan kita pelbagai ideas dan maklumat baru untuk membuka pemikiran kita kepada yang lebih jauh lagi.

Setiap bulan saya membaca sekurang-kurangnya 3 majalah yang menjadi bahan bacaan rutin bulanan saya iaitu majalah Personal Money, majalah Solusi dan Success Magazine.

Kali ini saya nak bercerita tentang Success magazine … dan kenapa ianya menjadi majalah pilihan bacaan bulanan saya.

  1. Harga yang berpatutan walaupun anda perlu membayar kos kiriman kerana majalah ini akan di kirimkan kepada anda setiap bulan dari luar Malaysia. Ini kerana kandungan yang terdapat di dalam majalah ini dapat memberikan anda pelbagai idea untuk merubah kehidupan anda kepada yang lebih baik.
  2. Terdapat sekeping CD di dalam majalah ini yang di berikan secara percuma setiap bulan dan di dalam CD tersebut adalah minima 2 sessi interview dengan Success Guru yang terkenal. Ideas dan tips yang mereka berikan amat bermakna sekali dan anda boleh berulang-ulang kali mendengar CD ini. Selalunya di masukkan juga beberapa segmen audio klip samada dari John Maxwell atau Jim Rohn. Saya suka dengan konsep CD ini kerana setiap kali saya berada di dalam kereta, saya akan mainkan CD tersebut dan biasanya di dalam keadaan trafik jem sekalipun saya dapat menimba ilmu yang amat berharga.
  3. Di dalam setiap bulan, Success Magazine mempunyai tema yang di jadikan sebagai fokus di dalam majalah ini. Sebagai contoh seandianya bulan ini fokus utamanya adalah “kepimpinan” maka keseluruhan kandungan majalah dan CD akan berkisar kepada fokus utama tersebut.
  4. Di penghujung majalah anda akan di berikan satu set action plan berdasarkan kepada kandungan yang terdapat di dalam majalah tersebut. Oleh kerana itu setiap ilmu yang anda baca, anda boleh aplikasikan secepat mungkin kerana ada satu action plan atau pelan tindakan yang telah di berikan kepada anda untuk memulakan langkah seterusnya.

Untuk meninjau apakah kandungan yang terdapat di dalam versi bulan Januari 2012 untuk Success Magazine sila klik di sini . Selamat mencuba !!!



Bagaimana membuat pendaftaran online Exfuze Seven Plus

Oleh kerana ramai yang berminat untuk mendapatkan maklumat dan cara bagaimana nak membuat pendaftaran keahlian di Exfuze , di sini saya sertakan slide power point menunjukkan cara bagaimana membuat pendaftaran secara online.

Exfuze adalah pengeluar kepada produk pemakanan kesihatan Seven Plus dan setiap pendaftaran dan pesanan melalui internet adalah selamat dan terjamin. Produk Seven Plus yang anda pesan akan di hantar melalui kourier dalam masa 3-5 hari bekerja.

Selain daripada pembeli daripada US dan Canada yang boleh menggunakan butang “Buy Now”, untuk lain-lain negara mesti menggunakan butang “Join Now” .

Anda boleh mendapatkan langkah-langkah di dalam membuat pendaftaran dengan melihat slide di bawah. Terlebih dahulu sila klik di sini untuk memesan atau menyertai Exfuze Seven Plus .


Download the Quantum Wealth Program For *FREE*

Here’s a chance to download the Quantum Wealth Program for *FREE*

Click here for Quantum Wealth Program.

You can get it *FREE* when you purchase the Quantum Success Secrets program because it’s included as a complimentary bonus.

With the Quantum Wealth Program… You can:

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– Start creating for yourself a life of wealth  and financial freedom

So hurry and grab Quantum Success Secrets and get Quantum Wealth for FREE* here:

Click here for Quantum Wealth Program


The brain behind Quantum Success Secrets

I don’t do a whole lot of reviews for self help products, but when I stumbled upon Quantum Success Secrets, I found the claims to be so fantastically absurd that I had to see the product for myself. I mean, I have a vague idea about quantum physics and how it relates to energy and particles and how the development of quantum physics has led to the discovery of MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) and the laser… but to use quantum physics principles to improve one’s life? Really?

The brain behind Quantum Success Secrets, one Greg & Alvin pitches it as something that can “reveal your secret destiny with the power of the universe”, and I don’t think anyone would blame you for thinking it’s a bunch of malarkey.

If you can’t already tell by now, I was quite skeptical about the claims. So when I bought the product to give it a try, I was fully expecting to be disappointed, and I was more than ready to file a request for a refund the moment I downloaded the product.

I was realistic in my expectations, of course. I didn’t go into reviewing the product expecting for it to be some miracle cure that would work over night and grant me unimaginable power over every aspect of my life (though that’s how the pitch came across at some point), and I certainly did not expect for it to be a “Get Rich Quick” scheme that actually works, because let’s face it, what “Get Rich Quick” schemes have actually worked?

But I have to admit that after giving Quantum Success Secrets a good once-over, I was fairly impressed. Greg & Alvin has somehow managed to reconcile quantum physics theories with Law Of Attraction principles that I thought would never, in a million years, be possible to do. They point out several similarities that the two concepts share, and while it may be entirely coincidental, as a reader you can’t help but admit that there may be a grain of truth to the comparisons.

They start off by laying the groundwork for readers, to make sure that they understand the basic concepts of the Law Of Attraction how it relates to one’s life. The manual makes the readers understand that, like everything around them, each individual is a force in the universe… which is technically true if you apply the quantum physics principle that everything is in fact energy… and what is energy if not a force?

Then in the chapters that follow, they teach the principles of Quantum Success, which they brand as a “lifestyle choice”. The whole idea of Quantum Success is that there is nothing beyond one’s control, or rather, one has the power to seize control of circumstances that may otherwise be beyond control by committing to the choices made in life. One particular line that amused me was this: ‘The saying is, “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.” Optimal Thinking is more along the lines of, “Forget lemonade! I want chocolate!”

For those who are keen on acquiring wealth and use it as a measuring stick for success, Greg & Alvin have a chapter specifically for that subject. They give an eye-opening insight of what it means to have “Quantum Wealth”, and how having “Quantum Wealth” may be more beneficial to your life than having all the wealth you THINK you need.

Quantum Success Secrets isn’t just limited to an ebook, it is in fact a complete success course. Along with the enlightening manual, you’ll also receive an audiobook version, and a “transformational mind power” brainwave entrainment program entitled “Quantum Mind Booster”, which, Greg & Alvin claim, will empower your mind to “become more receptive towards the Universe’s forces and allow you to achieve Quantum Success that much easier”.

All in all, my experience with Quantum Success Secrets has been pleasantly surprising, and while it’s no “Get Rich Quick” scheme, if you give it a chance I believe it will bring you the change that you’ve been looking for all your life.


The Day That Turns Your Life Around by Jim Rohn

People whose lives change in dramatic ways can almost always trace the change back to one subtle, unsuspecting moment. One episode, one realization, one action. One seemingly insignificant step that put them on a completely different path … and ultimately led them to the life of their dreams.

If you know you want something in your life to change, then all you need is just such a moment. The good news is you don’t have to wait for it to show up. You can make that magical, transformational moment appear. And you can do it today!

In The Day That Turns Your Life Around, Jim Rohnshares the essential elements of a life-changing day with you, and shows you how to consciously create the conditions that make dramatic, lasting personal transformation not merely possible, but inevitable.

In this powerful and compelling 6-CD program, you will discover the four emotional states that can change your life, and how to generate them within yourself at will, rather than waiting for external circumstances to activate them (something which may never happen).

Jim will show you how to direct your momentum toward the specific circumstances of your life that you want to change. Using the unique and powerful set of tools he provides, you’ll be able to target any situation with laser-like focus and begin to transform it instantaneously.

With the wit, wisdom, and down-to-earth insights that made him famous, Jim covers it all – from how to sail through the coming Social Security crisis, to improving your marriage, to living a life of true style, grace, and professionalism. Wherever you’re looking to change, you’ll find the tools to make that change happen immediately.

Jim Rohn steps off the stage and into the intimate surroundings of a studio for a conversational presentation of ideas and strategies. The result is an amazingly powerful listening experience. You’ll feel as if Jim is right in the same room, speaking directly to you in a one-on-one coaching session focused on your unique goals, needs, and challenges.

There’s no reason for you to live with unhappiness or dissatisfaction – no matter how great or small. At any moment, you can choose to transform any circumstance in your life. The Day That Turns Your Life Around will give you the tools and information to achieve any change you want to. And you’ll be astonished by how quickly and easily it happens.

6 CDs with Bonus DVD!

Review of Quantum Success Secrets by Greg and Alvin

Quantum physics is a subject that goes over most people’s heads, unless of course you’re someone who has a penchant for complex scientific theories. So it’s no surprise that not a lot of people are aware of the fact that quantum physics can have a significant impact on a person’s life. And even those who are at least familiar with the basics of quantum physics (like I am) are often dubious by the legitimacy of such claims.

When I heard about Greg & Alvin’s latest offering – Quantum Success Secrets – and their claims of how one could apply quantum physics concepts to improve their lives, I thought they were finally out of their minds. No matter how hard I tried I couldn’t see the link between quantum physics and how I could, say, bump up my income threefold.

But I’ve known Greg for some time now; I know the kinds of products he comes up with and his track record with me thus far has been pretty good. So I dismissed his claims as one of his unique marketing strategies (Greg’s known to be quite dramatic in his pitches), gave him benefit of the doubt, and checked out Quantum Success Secrets.

So is Quantum Success Secrets really as good as Greg & Alvin claim it to be?

Click here for Quantum Success Secrets .

I’ll be frank with you: You might think Quantum Success Secrets is a scam, especially if you’re expecting a quick fix to all of life’s problems. Quantum Success Secrets isn’t so much a “miracle cure” as it is a guidebook that teaches you how to attain the “Quantum Mind”. The “Quantum Mind”, as Greg & Alvin put it, is a state of mind that is conducive for the Law of Attraction and the “Universal forces” to work in your favor.

In essence, they reveal the secrets to achieving better control over your life, using Law of Attraction techniques that, coincidentally, are similar to quantum physics theories. While I suspect that Greg may have been taking “artistic license” with certain quantum physics theories to sensationalize his latest offering to a degree, I have to say that everything taught within the pages of Quantum Success Secrets is considerably solid.

For example, in the first chapter, Greg & Alvin illustrates the differences between the normal, human mind, and the Quantum Mind. They explain how the human mind works, and the techniques one may be able to use to break through the various barriers that keep the human mind from “evolving” into the Quantum state of mind.

Citing the works of several notable individuals in the field of self improvement, Greg & Alvin convey their understanding of how the Quantum philosophy, and how everyone – regardless of their situation, background, or intelligence – can make the philosophy work for them, in clear, concise explanations that any average Joe would understand quite easily.

Click here for a Quantum Success Secrets .

They also teach readers how to tap into the “Quantum will” that gets them achieving more than they’ve ever thought possible. They even use current cultural references to get their points across, so the book comes across as refreshingly relatable… at least compared to some of other similarly themed books I’ve come across recently.

Now, you’re probably thinking that theory is all well and good, but will the book bring quantifiable benefits to your life?

The answer to that is a simple, resounding, yes. If you’ve managed to get a complete grasp of the techniques taught within the pages of Quantum Success Secrets, you will have learned how to take full control of your life, regardless of the situations you’ll face as you continue on your journey in life.

As they themselves says in the book, the success you’ll enjoy won’t be immediate; you can’t apply the techniques you’ve learned for merely a month and expect a lifetime of good things to come falling into your lap. The key here is patience, as you’ll need the discipline of mind to follow through his teachings and achieve for yourself Quantum Success in your life.

Peluang sambung belajar untuk warga kerja dengan jadual belajar yang flesibel

Peluang kepada warga kerja yang sibuk untuk menyambung belajar di peringkat executive diploma, executive degree dan executive master dengan kaedah belajar yang lebih flesibel.

  • Selepas mengikuti program ini anda berpeluang mendapat gaji yang lebih tinggi
  • Selepas mengikuti program ini anda berpeluang mendapat kenaikan pangkat
  • Selepas mengikuti program ini anda berpeluang mendapat pekerjaan daripada pelbagai sumber bidang yang berbeza
  • Selepas mengikuti program ini anda telah meningkatkan ilmu pengetahuan anda ke satu tahap yang lebih tinggi

Keistimewaan Program executive diploma , executive degree dan executive master

  • Sukatan pelajaran berdasarkan keperluan industri
  • Tenaga pengajar yang berpengalaman dan berkelulusan
  • Kelas pada hujung minggu
  • Peluang peningkatan di dalam kerjaya
  • Penilaian melalui tugasan dan kerja kelas
  • Kaedah pembayaran melalui KWSP, ansuran bulanan atau tunai
  • Kuliah di adakah di center-center seluruh Malaysia (ada banyak pilihan tempat!)
  • dan banyak lagi

Info lanjut sila layari laman web dengan klik di sini

Kenapa Internet marketer dan Network marketer menggunakan Host Then Profit?

Sebagai seorang Internet marketer ataupun Network Marketer yang menggunakan internet sebagai salah satu tool di dalam memperkembangkan bisness atau perniagaan mereka , anda semestinya memerlukan beberapa perkara asas.

Di antara yang perlu anda ada ialah :

  • Laman web (tapak web anda sendiri)
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Di antara banyak-banyak servis yang berada di pasaran saya menggunakan Host gator dan juga Host Then Profit. Host then profit di kendalikan oleh GVO dan merupakan satu sistem online yang lengkap kerana ianya merangkumi kesemua elemen yang di perlukan untuk menjalankan bisnes anda menggunakan internet .

Apa yang anda akan perolehi dengan menggunakan Host Then Profit ?

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Anda boleh  mendapatkan informasi lanjut Kenapa Internet Marketer dan network marketer memilih untuk menggunakan Host Then Profit dengan klik di sini untuk mendengar webinar ini secara percuma .

Sertai Exfuze Seven plus dapat web autodownline percuma ….

Exfuze Seven Plus adalah satu peluang untuk memulakan bisness global dengan hanya melakukannya dari rumah. Anda hanya perlukan 2-4 jam sehari bagi menjalankan home based business ini dari rumah.

Kami menyediakan laman web kumpulan untuk anda mempromosikan Exfuze Seven Plus di Malaysia. Manakala untuk pasaran antarabangsa pihak syarikat Exfuze turut memberikan kepada anda laman web yang boleh digunakan untuk membuat penajaan secara global. Contohnya anda boleh klik di sini .

Laman web autodownline kumpulan di dalam Bahasa malaysia boleh anda perolehi dengan mendaftar secara percuma di sini.


Video chat menggunakan ooVoo

Di antara kaedah yang amat popular untuk ber chatting ataupun membuat panggilan telefon secara percuma menggunakan internet (VOIP) ialah skype. Namun skype hanya membenarkan anda untuk membuat one to one video chat.

Di antara aplikasi yang membenarkan anda membuat video chat dengan jumlah yang lebih ramai ialah ooVoo.com. Sekurang-kurangnya anda boleh membuat video chat atau conferencing dengan 6 orang atau lebih.

Ada banyak aplikasi yang boleh anda gunakan dengan ooVoo seperti yang terdapat di bawah ini :

ooVoo adalah percuma dan anda boleh menggunakan nya samada sebagai satu business tool ataupun untuk menghubungi rakan-rakan anda di internet. Di antara yang boleh anda lakukan dengan ooVoo percuma adalah seperti Video call, video chat room, desktop sharing, phone calls dan text chat.

Perisian percuma ooVoo anda boleh bawaturun daripada laman web tersebut dan ikuti langkah-langkah yang di berikan di dalam laman web tersebut untuk memasang perisian ooVoo di laptop anda.

Selamat mencuba dan berinteraksi dengan jaringan dan rakan-rakan anda dengan menggunakan ooVoo.